Davidson Realty Walks for March of Dimes

November 5, 2009


March of Dimes TeamDavidson Realty President, Sherry Davidson, understands the impact that March of Dimes has on people. She became active in the charity over 10 years ago and has remained a strong supporter due to the loss of her daughter many years ago. Sherry’s daughter, Megan, died of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Maxima, a condition that causes very fragile bones. March of Dimes ran multiple tests for free to determine why Megan died and if the disease was genetic. While Sherry was getting her tests done, her eyes were opened to the impact March of Dimes makes on so many lives. Because of March of Dimes, Sherry got her answers.

March of Dimes does amazing work to help mothers have healthy, full-term pregnancies and prevent babies from being born sick or too soon. The non-profit foundation funds research and is responsible for many scientific breakthroughs in genetics and prenatal health. They do a March for Babies walk through downtown St. Augustine every year to raise awareness and fund the research that is so necessary to keep our babies healthy!

This year, the 4.5 mile walk will take place on Saturday, November 7th starting at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. Registration time is at 8 am and the walk begins at 9 am. Davidson Realty had over 80 walkers last year and hopes to have a great turn out this year as well. Even if you can’t walk, please go to our March of Dimes page and donate!

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