Top Three Reads to Achieve Your Full Potential

August 15, 2012


adult20summer_readingReading is one of my favorite pastimes and although I could recommend a whole list of books that have influenced me for the better, I wanted to share my three favorites. If you read and practice what they preach, the authors are sure to impact your life in a positive way.

1. I think the best book if you only read one is Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The principles are simple and timeless. You will spend time determining what is really important in life and how to spend your time on what you decide is a priority. You will improve your relationships and learn to sharpen your saw.  Don’t put it off, improve your life today.

2. The next great read is Lou Tice “Smart Talk for achieving your potential”. Lou spent much of his life studying human potential. He learned there is a better way to help people reach their potential than just telling them to work harder. He believes you will become what you think about, whether that is what you want or not. This book really helped me to learn to set goals. Lou believes you should decide what you want and go after it even if it doesn’t seem possible at the time.

3. My third suggestion is an easy read but very impactful. George S. Clason’s “The Richest Man in Babylon” is full of great stories. I actually have read this little book four times and I get more out of it each time. It is full of great principles about paying yourself first and building a fortune. I believe this book may change the way you think about money.

If you have any inspirational or motivating books to share with me, please comment on this blog or send me an email at I’m always looking for more!

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