The holidays are such a wonderful time of year to remember how important we are to each other. We are so proud of all of our agents at Davidson Realty but specifically we want to recognize our top performers in November. These agents embody our values of putting people first. Please read on as they share their most memorable traditions or memories during the holidays.
Our Top Producer for November is Terri Apodaca.
Terri – Family is extremely important to me and the holidays always brought my family together, which I loved. My mom was an AMAZING cook and from November to the new year, our home was always fragrant with the smell of homemade yeast rolls and every baked good imaginable. On Christmas morning each family member had their special seat in our living room and we opened our gifts together. I was thrilled when I finally became old enough to be the one to pass out the gifts to each person. My dad would always say, “You shouldn’t have, but I’m glad you did” when opening his gifts.
Our Top Producing and Top Sales Team for November is The Nemethy Group with Shelley and Tim Nemethy.
Shelley & Tim – A favorite Christmas tradition throughout the years for the Nemethy family has been saving a small portion of the bottom of each Christmas tree stump each year. We now have a large basket full of stumps with the specific year written on each one that is proudly displayed each year with the current tree. It’s fun for us to look back through and remember the year’s tree by the size of the stump!
The Top Producer and Top Sales Agent from our Jacksonville Beach Team this month is Caitlyn Hawkins.
Caitlyn – When my mother was pregnant, she hand sewed a fabric “T’was the Night Before Christmas” book for me. My favorite memories are of all the years my Grandad read it to us as our entire family gathered round before bedtime Christmas Eve. Now I have the absolute blessing of having my Mumsie read it to my children. Gets me every time.
Our Top Overall Sales Agent and Listing Agent for November is Mirtha Barzaga.
Mirtha- I remember as a child back in the old country of Cuba we did not celebrate Christmas with gifts. It was all about the family being together and going to mass at midnight to celebrate the reason for the season, (no Santa for us). Then on January 6th on the feast of the Epiphany, the three kings or wiseman would come January 5th at night and leave all the children presents under and around our beds.
Years later here in the states where my children were born and raised, I merged the two celebrations. We do Santa on December 25th with the entire family and share presents, food and joy, however on January 6th my children, my grandchildren and now my great grandchildren still get gifts by their bed on the January 6th morning.
Those are my favorite memories from when I was a child and I wanted to pass it along to the next generations after me.
We hope you enjoyed reading about our top agents’ heartfelt memories. To all our customers we are truly grateful for your trust in us and appreciate and cherish your support and referrals. We wish you and your families the happiest of holidays and hope the new year brings you much happiness and health!
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