J.D.’s Snapper Almondine Recipe & Video!

October 20, 2011


2011-10-18_18-36-56_27This is a wonderful dish recipe that maybe served with steamed vegetable, black beans and rice, baked potato, fried plantains, etc.

Pink, Red or Vermillion (Bee-liner) Snapper Filets – Skinned and Deboned
Safflower Oil, Lemon, Milk, Parsley, Butter, Sliced Almonds, Flour – seasoned with salt & pepper, &  Tabasco

Preparation: Cut fish filets into portion size pieces. Wash and soak in mixture of milk, a couple of splashes of Tabasco and a little salt. Let soak while you heat ⅔ stick of butter and 3 tablespoons of safflower oil in a large skillet. (Note: Safflower oil must be used, no substitution. It is sometimes difficult to find so make sure you have it before you plan this recipe.)

Take filets out of milk mixture and pat dry on paper towels. Then dredge fish filets in flour mixture. Flour coating on fish will be very light – just enough for the fish filet to brown as they are sautéed in the skillet. You should be able to put 3 to 4 filet servings in a large skillet at one time. The oil and butter should be well melted gently bubbling and the burner on at least medium heat.

Pan sauté the filets till brown on both sides (I like mine to be light brown in color and firm before removing). Put sautéed filets on cookie sheet and cover with Almondine Sauce then put on cookie sheet in warm oven while you cook next batch of fish filets. It is important that you wash the skillet and start over with fresh butter and safflower oil each time you cook the next batch of fish filets. I use two skillets if I am cooking more than four filets.

almondine sauceALMONDINE SAUCE:
Melt 1 stick of butter; add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (fresh or real lemon) ⅓ cup of chopped parsley, ¾ cup sliced almonds. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 1 minute while stirring.

This is Sherry’s favorite fish recipe. It is very easy to make. I put all the ingredients for the Almondine sauce in the pan and heat while I sauté the fish filets. It usually takes less than 10 minutes to sauté each batch of fish. You can also prepare the sides (rice, potatoes, plantains, etc.) before you start the fish.

Serve with a nice white wine or in my case bottled water.

* This recipe is from a South Louisiana cookbook that I modified to my taste. Enjoy the video!


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