Spotlight on Deb Pappas, World Golf Village Relay For Life Co-Chair

April 16, 2015


World Golf Village is warming up to host the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life on Saturday, April 25 from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Davidson Realty’s Debra Pappas is helping to lead the charge as the relay’s Experience Lead.

In her second year as a coordinator, Deb is passionate about the cause and dedicated to getting people excited to participate. She is joined by Event Lead Sharon Arnold, People Lead Bambi Deitch, Fund the Cure Lead Ashley Burg and Media Lead Cathy de Verteuil.

Davidson Realty is also participating as Bronze level sponsor for the event, which is so far expecting 25 teams to participate. Deb recently slowed down to answer a few questions about the annual race and her important role.

What is your function in preparing for the event? I am in charge of organizing the event as well as the entertainment and fun.

What made you interested in getting involved in Relay For Life? I believe cancer is a disease we can fight. I participate to unite WGV to fight the fight for all of the individuals and families that are suffering. Cynthia, one of the team captains, lost her 20-year-old daughter Meghan to brain cancer last year. No mother should ever have to experience such a loss. I am hoping in my lifetime we can find a cure.

Tell me about the race and Davidson’s relay team. This year’s theme is United for a Cure. Each team chooses a state to represent. Team Davidson’s state is Illinois, which is my home state. We have 12 people on Team Davidson.

What would you say to encourage someone to participate in the Relay for Life? I think the length of the relay is sometimes overwhelming (now 12 hours but last year it was 24). I would encourage them to sign up online and form a team. People can do all fundraising online or sell items at the relay itself and donate the money made.

The relay is fun and we have some great entertainment planned this year. Showtime USA and Liz Rizzolo the belly dancer are just a few. We are also doing theme laps this year. Some are crazy hat lap, Star Wars lap, and zombie lap.

Any other important event info? We are still looking for more teams to sign up as well as survivors. The relay event honors those that have beaten the disease with a luncheon and swag bag. The link for our relay is

Questions about the Relay for Life? Contact Deb Pappas at (904)327-1476 or

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