Two Davidson Agents Now Offer Leading Edge Investing Know-How

April 24, 2015


At Davidson Realty, we are always working to better help our investor clients. As such, we are pleased to announce that Davidson agents Amanda Houser and Rema Shaban have completed the “Single and Multi-Family Investing” course provided by the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors (NEFAR).

“This course is a great way for agents to learn the ropes in all aspects of investing,” said Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson. “Amanda’s and Rema’s clients will certainly benefit, especially from their technical knowledge of the investment process.” Read more

Spotlight on Deb Pappas, World Golf Village Relay For Life Co-Chair

April 16, 2015


World Golf Village is warming up to host the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life on Saturday, April 25 from 12 noon to 12 midnight. Davidson Realty’s Debra Pappas is helping to lead the charge as the relay’s Experience Lead.

In her second year as a coordinator, Deb is passionate about the cause and dedicated to getting people excited to participate. She is joined by Event Lead Sharon Arnold, People Lead Bambi Deitch, Fund the Cure Lead Ashley Burg and Media Lead Cathy de Verteuil.

Davidson Realty is also participating as Bronze level sponsor for the event, which is so far expecting 25 teams to participate. Deb recently slowed down to answer a few questions about the annual race and her important role. Read more

Davidson is Fast Becoming The Authority in Nocatee Real Estate!

April 14, 2015


Congratulations to our 14 newest Certified Nocatee Agents, including Jennifer Todd, Jock Ochiltree, Leah Ochiltree, Liz Pappaceno, Erin Mount, Amy Anderson, Colleen Roark, Michelle Gonzalez, Leslie Highsmith, Lynn Whitley, Christine Sullivan, Maxine Levy, Rema Shaban and Don Gibson!

The 14 agents recently earned the certification from the Nocatee community, and now have access to exclusive meetings with Nocatee developers and site agents to stay informed on new community developments. Read more

Davidson Realty Names Referral Basket Winners & Announces New Basket!

April 9, 2015

Posted by in News

Davidson Realty recently named World Golf Village residents Bruce and Linda Smith as its first quarter 2015 referral basket winners! The Smiths were entered into the raffle after referring a buyer to Davidson agents Jock Ochiltree and Leah Ochiltree. They were thrilled to take home their chocolate fountain themed basket.

Davidson’s referral program is a quarterly raffle that enters anyone who refers a buyer, seller, tenant or home to be sold or rented, to win a seasonally themed basket filled with prizes. Read more

Air Force Veteran Mac McIntyre Joins the Davidson Team

March 26, 2015


We are happy to welcome our newest agent, Mac McIntyre! Mac joined Davidson with 20 years of military service and diverse experience including relationship sales and recruiting.

Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Mac has great experience working with people and helping them to achieve their goals—a quality that is very important in our industry. We’re glad we have him on our team.”

Mac hails from Philadelphia. He joined the U.S. Air Force in 1989 where he worked in the medical field and recruitment. After retiring in 2009, Mac worked as a recruiter and territory representative in the for-profit school industry. He is eager to leverage his experience in customer service and sales to help his Davidson clients through the home buying and selling processes. Read more

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