Steve Rodriguez came to Davidson Realty in June of 2017. He was recruited by Lynn Whitley after she met him to get her cell phone repaired, which Steve does part-time. Steve primarily works out of Davidson Realty’s Beach office. Here is the scoop on Steve…
1. Born? He is a Jacksonville, FL native.
2. Favorite type of food? Tacos! His favorite restaurant is Burrito Works Taco Shop, which is known for its California flavor spin on Mexican food. Read more
March 23, 2018
February 19, 2018
Dave Branham joined Davidson Property Management as a property manager in January of 2014. He is mild-mannered, conscientious and a by-the-book sort of guy. He definitely knows how to play the game and run the court and no double-dribbling is involved! Here are a few tidbits to give you a little insight into one of Davidson’s MVPs!
• Dave was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which is a city about 18 miles to the west of Detroit and home to Gabriel’s Cheese Steak Hoagies. Dave moved to Kentucky when he was seven years old. Read more
February 2, 2018
Have you heard of runner’s high? It is a euphoria, which kicks in right after you cross the threshold of pain and suddenly, and unexpectedly…just when you think you are going to drop from lack of oxygen, you feel on top of the world. Judy Hagen-Kashou is no stranger to this high. She is an amazing example of fortitude at the age of 70.
November’s World Golf Village Office Agent Spotlight – Lynn Whitley
November 8, 2017
Never mistake soft spoken or tenderhearted as signs of weakness! Lynn Whitley, who exhibits both qualities, has been an agent with Davidson Realty since May of 2008. She is a force to be reckoned with. Her soft southern drawl, courtesy of her hometown of Birmingham, AL, and caring attitude towards her customers goes a long way in getting her job done in an efficient manner. In this agent spotlight, Lynn answered a couple of questions that tell us a little about her and you might be surprised! Read more
The Story of “Tin Lizzie”
February 9, 2012
You might come to visit Davidson Realty’s office in St. Augustine and get to see “Tin Lizzie”. No, that is not one of our agent’s nicknames, it just happens to be a 1930 Model A Coupe with a rumble seat that has been lovingly restored by Bob Lay, husband and business partner to one of our Top Producers, Dottie Lay.
In speaking with Bob about his “Lizzie”, it was evident the passion that he has had about working on these vintage cars for years. “I had a Model A Ford Coupe Convertible many, many years ago as a younger man and enjoyed working on it.” That was why he decided to look for his latest Model A, which he found in a warehouse in Ocala, Florida. “It was a solid car, but in somewhat rough condition and needed a lot of work to make it in show condition.” Bob has done that work in his World Golf Village home’s garage. First he did a total body disassembly; it was primed, painted and put all back together again by an auto painter. He pulled the rear-end, and transmission out and put new seals in it, re-wired the headlights, taillights and the instrument panel. Next on his list is a whole new interior for Lizzie, which should be done within the next ten days. Read more
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