Realtor Training at Davidson Includes Buffini & Company’s Renowned Peak Producers Program and an Unmatched Mentoring Program

July 30, 2012

Posted by in News, Videos

We’ve created a series of videos to showcase what makes Davidson different from the average real estate company. Last month, we shared a video on agent earnings here at Davidson Realty, and how our Jacksonville and St. Augustine Realtors average higher average incomes than most Northeast Florida Realtors.  Now we’d like to provide a sneak peek of our training program for new and seasoned agents alike.

In the video, you will see some of our agents learning from the master himself, Brian Buffini of Buffini & Company. Davidson Realty agents participate in Buffini & Company’s Peak Producers training, a 16-week-course that teaches the habits, attitude and skills to be a Peak Producer. Holly Harvey, Closing Manager of the Law Offices of Curtis & Associates, explains the series of discussions she leads to educate agents on contracts, surveys, title policies and more. Lastly, you’ll hear from Davidson agents Maxine Levy and Mirtha Barzaga who are incredible examples of the success that comes from our mentoring program. Read more

Float Down Nocatee’s Lazy River and See Why Everyone is Talking About the Community’s One-of-a-Kind Amenities

July 10, 2012


wp15Last month, Nocatee’s Marketing Director Portland Swan showed us around the growing neighborhoods of Nocatee in Ponte Vedra, FL. This month, we are excited to explore the exceptional amenities this St. Johns County community offers.

nocatee20room20decoratedNocatee’s amenities are plentiful, including a Welcome Center, Fitness Center and the popular Splash Water Park. As Portland showcases in the video, the Nocatee Room is a standout feature for the community. The beautiful banquet room offers a catering kitchen for weddings, anniversaries, graduation parties or even office meetings for residents or non-residents. The lovely green event lawns provide the perfect place for concerts, movies or even your nuptials.  Read more

Dottie and Suzy Take Over the Tops for June and the Second Quarter!

July 6, 2012


Sales are staying strong in our real estate office! Twenty different agents had sales to total over $8.3 million for the month and our total sales for the quarter were almost $22 million. It’s not often that only two agents dominate the tops for both the month and the quarter, but we aren’t surprised at all with these hardworking ladies. Meet our top Jacksonville Realtors for June and the second quarter: 

DottieDottie Lay is the Top Lister for June and the second quarter. Dottie had over $800,000 in listings sold and over $1 million in total sales for the month. She sold four of her own listings in June, three of which were in World Golf Village’s premier active adult community, The Cascades. Dottie also reigns king as Top Producer for the quarter with 9 closings totaling over $1.7 million. She had 13 sales for the quarter, nine of which were her own listings, totaling almost $1.4 million in listings sold and over $2.1 million in total sales for the second quarter. It looks like if you list with Dottie, she will go ahead and sell it, too! Congratulations on a job well done, Dottie. Read more

Agent Earnings One of the Reasons Davidson Realty Stands Above the Crowd

June 26, 2012

Posted by in News, Videos

The things that make Davidson Realty different are also what make us special.  We have extremely successful agents, we work as a team and we love to have fun.  We’ve created a video series to give more insight about what makes a career at Davidson Realty different. 

There are three main reasons Davidson is different than other firms in the area: agent profitability, training and mentoring program, and our culture. In this first video, Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson and Realtor Jennifer Todd concentrate on agent profitability. Agents that have been at Davidson for at least one year average a production level of $2.9 million during a 12-month period compared to the whole market average of $600,000 for individual agent production. As far as compensation, our agents make around $50,000 to $100,000 a year. Read more

Welcome to Nocatee – The “Peaceful River” Town in Ponte Vedra, FL

June 14, 2012


nocateecitymapJoin us and Nocatee’s Marketing Director Portland Swan as we tour the growing neighborhoods of Nocatee in Ponte Vedra.  This first video provides an introduction to Nocatee and insights into what makes it a great place to call home. In future videos of this master-planned St. Johns County community, we’ll meet up with the builders of Nocatee and learn more about its amenities.

Nocatee is a large community made up of seven unique neighborhoods offering single family homes, townhomes, condos, and cottage-style homes in the town center. Nocatee’s features include highly-rated schools, shopping and recreation. Each neighborhood has a variety of builders, architectural designs and price ranges available. Portland talks about the individual neighborhoods and what makes them each unique.  If you would like more information, visit more

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