The Top Jacksonville FL Real Estate Agents in October 2010!

November 4, 2010


Our Jacksonville Realtors took on October with a BANG! We had over $7.2 million in total sales for the month with the closings right behind at $5 million. Seventeen of our Realtors participated in the sales for the month – now that is team work! Here’s hoping November follows suit!

dottieCongratulations to our top Sales Agent this month – Mrs. Dottie Lay! Dottie had over $1.6 million in sales for October and she’s got those closings lined up for November. If you’ve been keeping up with our Tops blogs, you might remember seeing Dottie’s name as our Top Sales Agent for September AND for the 3rd Quarter. Way to go Dottie! We are very proud of you.Mirtha Barzaga

The Top Listing Agent for October is Mirtha Barzaga with over $600,000 in listings sold and nearly $700,000 in total sales!  Mirtha’s name should also sound familiar, considering she was our Top Producer in August and our Top Sales Agent in July. She is our little fire cracker and we love her! Congratulations Mirtha.

suzyAnd, of course, Suzy Evans made our top’s list for October! Suzy is our Top Producer this month with almost $770,000 in closings. Suzy was also our Top Lister and Top Producer for September AND the 3rd Quarter. Suzy has basically been on the top’s list every month in 2010. She was the Top Lister for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Quarters this year and the Top Producer for the 2nd and 3rd Quarters. I have a good feeling that we will see her name again when the numbers come out for the 4th Quarter. Great job, Suzy!

Congratulations to these outstanding women for going above and beyond in October!

Northeast Florida Real Estate Trends for September 2010

October 26, 2010


sherrySo, last month I explained to you all that I was being called a “Negative Nancy” at work, but I have received tons of great feedback for providing you with the TRUE market stats instead of trying to put a positive slant on the information. So this month, I’m hitting you with the facts again! I am providing a table from the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors (NEFAR) statistics, so I don’t have to be positive or negative – you choose how to look at it!


July 2010

August 2010

September 2010

Pending Sales








Median Price




Average Price




Listings Available




Month of Inventory




Closings – Lender Mediated




As you can see, pending sales haven’t changed very much in the last few months. The September 2010 pending sales are 6.6% higher than September 2009 when there were just 1,409.

The closed transactions were down in September 2010 from the previous month and down 14.5% from September 2009 when closings were 1,377. There is a positive trend in closings year to date. The total closings dropped from 24,367 in 2005 to 22,366 in 2006, 16,775 in 2007 and 12,604 in 2008. They went back up in 2009 to 14,524 and we already have 12,317 closings in 2010 with three months data to be included. Read more

One of the Greatest – Meet Ms. Jennifer Todd

October 22, 2010


jenniferJennifer Todd is a woman that lights up a room! Her personality cannot be matched and here at Davidson, we can’t get enough! If you haven’t had the pleasure to meet Jennifer, let me give you a little background information…

Jennifer is known for her ability to sell new home construction. She has worked for Brylen Homes, Arthur Rutenburg, Bourre Construction Group, and Woodside Homes. She began working at Davidson Realty in 2008 and we couldn’t be happier to have her.

When I think about Jennifer, I think about fun. I thought a great way to highlight her and let the people who know and love her here at Davidson get creative in describing her was to give them a mad lib to fill out about her characteristics. Here is what I got back:

No one is more southern than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s  charming and confident. No one does builder sales like Jennifer.

No one is more knowledgeable on custom homes than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s tenacious and savvy. No one does research on market values or ownership status like Jennifer.

No one is more confident than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s knowledgeable and connected. No one does builder sales like Jennifer. Read more

Fried Fish Like You’ve Never had it Before!

October 8, 2010


DSC00170This meal is a birthday favorite for Sam Peyton and the rest of the Davidson clan, but you don’t have to wait for a birthday to enjoy this delicious recipe!

JD’s Louisiana Fried Fish Filets

Ingredients: (For 6-8 people, normally assume 6oz. fish filet per person)
• 3 to 3.5 lbs of snapper or grouper filets. The filets must be skinned and deboned (Due to the current snapper ban I use Vermillion Snapper or Pink Snapper or any kind of grouper. You could use flounder I guess.
• 6 eggs – slightly beaten
• Tabasco (2 Tablespoons)
• Plain Flour
• Stone-ground Cornmeal (I use Martha White Self Rising – don’t use the boxed sweet kind – yuck!!)

Wash each filet then pat dry with paper towels. Next, cut the dark meat in the middle of each filet. The dark meat has most of the oil and can be fishy tasting. The fish filets will then be cut diagonally into ¾” to 1” strips. A marinate is then prepared by putting the six eggs slightly beaten in a bowl. Add the Tabasco. (Note – raw egg kills the heat in the Tabasco, while retaining the flavor of the Tabasco pepper: Trust me it will not be hot. Add fish fillets strips to marinade and let set for 30 minutes. Read more

Our Top St. Augustine Realtors in September & the 3rd Quarter!

October 6, 2010


Bad market? Not when you have the talent of our St. Augustine Realtors! It may not have been the best month ever, in fact the media called it the worst, but our crew rose to the challenge. Almost every one of our agents made a transaction in September and got to cross their name off the sales board. They also put up pretty good numbers for the 3rd Quarter! So, we want to take some time to celebrate our Top Agents and our Employee of the 3rd Quarter:  

pcIn September, Pauline Cake earned the title of Agent of the Month with $350,000 in listings sold and total sales of over $1 Million! Pauline had the highest total sales for buyers and listings sold. She was our Top Producer in July and our Top Lister in April. Pauline is all heart and there is no one that deserves to be on top more!dottie

Mrs. Dottie Lay is our Top Sales Agent for September AND our Top Sales Agent for the 3rd Quarter! She had over $1 Million in sales in September and over $1.6 million in sales for the quarter. Dottie was our Top Producer in June and our Top Sales Agent in May. All of these women are so deserving and VERY familiar with our Tops List!suzy

Suzy Evans is the Top Lister and Top Producer in September with over $1 Million in closings! She must have read the last blog about moving those sales over to the closings board! She is also our Top Lister & Top Producer for the 3rd Quarter! Suzy is the greatest and she has been on this list almost every month. I am running out of ways to tell you how great she is! Suzy needs to be recognized for being our Top Lister in March, April, May, July, and August of 2010. She was also our Top Producer in May. She was the Top Lister for the 4th Quarter in 2009, the Top Lister for the 1st and 2nd Quarter of 2010 and the Top Producer in the 2nd Quarter. She is really something special!Shirley Barber

Our Employee of the quarter is Shirley Barber! Shirley is a wonderful employee – efficient, helpful, kind, and experienced! We are so lucky to have her assisting all our agents as the listing coordinator and helping them get to the top!

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