10 Things I learned at Lift: The Social Commerce Summit

September 30, 2010

Posted by in News

Last week, Alayna Oram and I journeyed to Atlanta to attend Lift: the Social Commerce Summit in hopes of bringing home all kinds of great new social media and marketing ideas for Davidson Realty and our Jacksonville Realtors. Not only did we come home with staggering statistics about the use of social media AND got some awesome new ideas, we even had a little time to enjoy dinner at a Top Chef’s restaurant (Woodfire Grill and IT’S AMAZING)! All and all this trip was a success!

We had a full day of learning from an impressive statistician from Wharton Interactive Media Initiative to one of the nation’s leading innovators in digital advertising and optimization. There was a lot of interaction, learning, and fun going on all day long. I’d like to share some cool things we learned:

• We all know that people buy across multiple channels. For example, consumers use catalogs, the internet, and will walk into your store to shop and purchase your product. But, did you know the channel in which you acquire your customer shows you the quality of your customer?
• 88% of people use social media to make business decisions
• Customers want how tos, to connect with someone like them, and to save money!
• One of the biggest mistakes you can make in social media is assuming that activity = progress. You can’t measure your success on Facebook just by seeing how many “fans” or “likes” you have. You need to look at content. Are people interacting on your page about your product or not? 
• If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 3rd largest.
• US Dept of Education study revealed that online students out performed those receiving face to face instruction
• Every minute 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube
• 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 largest brands are links to user-generated content
• 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations. Only 14% trust ads.
• Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the US

Obviously, I’m not going to give away everything! We did have a great time though and would love to keep attending these types of events to push Davidson Realty, Inc. and Relay Marketing, Inc. forward!

Mirtha Barzaga: Our Informative, Relentless, Driven Pistol!

September 21, 2010


Mirtha BarzagaHere we are again! Time to celebrate another one of our fabulous St. Augustine realtors. This month we are spotlighting Mirtha Barzaga and if you’ve ever read one of our Top Agents Blogs you probably know a thing or two about her success. What you might not know is how highly her coworkers speak of her, which is what I found out when I asked them to use one word to describe Mirtha.

“Informative”, “Relentless”, “Driven”, “A Pistol”, “Helpful”, “Fantastic”, “Giver”, “Focused”, “Selfless”, “Original”, “Dances-to-the-beat-of-her-own-Drummer”. These are only a few of the many responses I got back. And because real estate agents are not known to follow the rules, I even accepted some lengthier descriptions:

“Always available and accessible! One of the hardest workers in our business”

“Mirtha is one of the most dedicated and hardworking agents I know. She is someone who works 7 days a week, takes care of her husband and three young grandchildren and even brings in dessert for our monthly cookouts! I am astounded as to how she does it all and keeps those balls in the air. She always has time for you and she does it with a smile.”

“Mirtha is very friendly. She always has hellos and hugs for everyone. She is never too busy to answer a question.”

The real truth of it is Mirtha Barzaga is one in a million. She was born in Cuba and came to the U.S. when she was only eight years old. She lived in New Jersey, ran a construction company, then switched gears and ran an event company. When she moved to south Florida to be closer to her children she worked in sales and marketing for one of the largest importers of fresh cut flowers. Her move to be closer to her grandchildren in St. Augustine is what led her into her real estate career. So, as you can see she has done it all!

Mirtha is so special to us here at Davidson and we love her dearly. Thank you, Mirtha for being a part of our team!

Even When a Restaurant Won’t Share Theirs, Jim Davidson will Share his!

September 15, 2010


jimThis month Jim is kicking it up a notch and giving you one of his best recipes yet! If you wonder what’s on the table in our St. Augustine Florida homes then you want to give this recipe a try.  

Chicken Mambo Italiano

Chicken breast – (Pkg of skinned, boned 3 – 4 pieces)
Sun Dried Tomatoes – chopped (jar with tomatoes in olive oil and herbs) 2 jars
Mushrooms – sliced (fresh) 2 – 3 pkgs
Artichoke – quartered (canned) 2 cans
Garlic – 2 tsp
Olive Oil – ¼ to 1/3 cup
Marinara sauce – 1 large jar of Raos Marinara Sauce or homemade
Crushed red pepper – 1 tsp
Salt to Taste
Pepper to Taste
Light cream – 1 to 1 1/2 half pints
Bowtie Pasta (Farfalle) – 1 to 1-1/2 pkg.
Fresh Parmesan or Pecorino Romano

1. Marinate chicken breasts in Italian dressing then grill – don’t over cook since they will be cut into pieces and added to sauce mix.

2. In large skillet put olive oil on medium heat add garlic and drained sun dried tomatoes stirring constantly. Cook about 5 minutes; add marinara sauce and cream. NOTE: Sauce is 1/3 marinara, 2/3 cream. Bring to boil then add mushrooms and artichoke, cook about 15 min. stirring constantly. Once mushrooms appear cooked add chicken and cook additional 15 min. Salt and pepper to taste. Read more

Congratulations to our Top St. Augustine Realtors in August 2010!

September 7, 2010


August ended with a rush of closings and three very deserving St. Augustine realtors coming out on top! Everyone worked hard and we ended the month with over $4 million in sales and over $2.7 million in closings. If only the sales numbers would all move over to the closing’s board! Hopefully our talented crew can grant that wish in September!

Mirtha BarzagaOur Top Producer for August is Mirtha Barzaga. She closed 5 transactions for a total of $806,200! Mirtha was also our Top Sales Agent in July. She is on a roll selling Jacksonville FL real estate and she can’t be stopped!DSC_0243

The Top Sales Agent for August is Ted Tyndall. He sold over $400,000 for the month and we couldn’t be happier to see his name on this list!  Ted is very involved with ICI Homes in Palencia and would be happy to show you some beautiful Bella Terra models! If you want to keep up to date on all the Northeast Florida real estate news, “like” Ted’s Facebook Page:   http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Northeast-Florida-Real-Estate/112379062129605?ref=ts

suzyOur Top Listing Agent (with no surprise) is Suzy Evans! She had almost $600,000 in listings sold and a total sales volume for the month of $849,300. She was our Top Lister last month and our Top Lister for the 2nd Quarter. Suzy is known to stay at 100 mph and boy does she get things done! We are very lucky to have her on the Davidson Team.

We want to thank all of our wonderful agents for their hard work this month. Now lets get to work on those closings in September!

The One and Only Dottie Lay

August 31, 2010


dottieEach month we love to feature one of our talented Jacksonville realtors and for August we’d like to introduce you to Dottie Lay! Dottie is a very special lady to me and to everyone in the office, so I thought what better way to highlight her than to ask her co-workers what makes Dottie so great and here is what they said:

“Dottie is a team player!  She’s always available to share her experience and to lend solid advice to other agents. She has cultivated a long list of referral business from her dedication to her buyers and sellers.  A true professional. I aspire to be Dottie one day!”

“As a new agent with Davidson she was always ready to answer my question in spite of the amount of business she was doing.  She made herself available & I thank her for that as well as the kind words and support she is known for.  Truly successful people share their talents…that is Dottie.”

“Dottie is very professional. She is competent and people trust her. She works very hard for her customers.”

“When I was a new agent, Dottie ALWAYS found time to pick up her phone if I called for advice.  She is a true role model in our company.  She is very hard working and dedicated and never has a negative word to say about anyone.  A true professional and a dear person.” 

“Dottie is a real pro!!!  She is organized, precise and has complete knowledge of the business.  She builds great relationships with her customers and has an incredible referral base.  She’s tops when it comes to being a superior Realtor.” Read more

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