Davidson Hits the Road!

August 25, 2010

Posted by in News

DSC_0110There has been a lot of restructuring going on lately in this St. Augustine FL real estate office and we couldn’t be happier about it! We are really excited about our new and improved sales meetings on Tuesday mornings. The agents are getting more involved, we are team building, celebrating hard work, congratulating each other, and having fun! And, of course, we are learning all about Northeast Florida real estate.

To help get more “hands on” we’ve decided that once a month, the last Tuesday of the month, we’re taking our party on the road to see and learn all we can about our area. So far we’ve seen the beautiful Lennar, David Weekley Homes, Taylor Morrison, and CornerStone Homes’ models in Nocatee and August 31st we are setting out to make Aberdeen home for a couple hours.

Aberdeen is full of great properties and builders. Have you had the chance to check out the community? There is so much going on there that you might not have seen. We are starting off at the Drees Homes’ model and then exploring what Richmond American, DR Horton, Holder Johnson, and Mercedes Homes’ have to offer. If you are interested in the CR 210 area, any one of our Jacksonville Realtors can show you around town! Read more

Our Top St. Augustine Realtors in July 2010!

August 5, 2010


What a great list of ladies we get to congratulate for July 2010! I bet you have seen their names on this list once or twice before…Here are our tops for the month:

pcPauline Cake is our Top Producer for July with $930,000 in closings. Pauline was recently recognized as our Top Lister in April. Pauline has been with The Davidson Companies and selling Jacksonville FL real estate for what seems like forever! She is very familiar with our Tops List and continues to be one of our top St. Augustine realtors!suzy

The Top Lister for July is Suzy Evans with $350,000 in listings sold. Suzy has barely missed a month on the Top’s list since she joined us 2 years ago in August (Happy Davidson Anniversary!!) She was just announced as our Top Producer and Top Lister for the 2nd Quarter. Not to mention, she was our Top Lister and Top Producer in May. You are the best, Suzy!

Mirtha BarzagaOur Top Sales Agent is Mirtha Barzaga with over $700,000 in buyer sales and over $900,000 in total of buyers and listings sold. Mirtha was also our shining star for the 1st Quarter, being honored as our Top Sales Agent. Mirtha just recently launched her Heritage Landing Facebook Fan Page. Here is the link and all you have to do is click “like” the page to start seeing Mirtha’s great community updates on your homepage: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Heritage-Landing-by-Mirtha-Barzaga/121845651184553?ref=ts

These women have worked hard this month (and every month before it), so make sure to give them a BIG congratulations when you see them around our St. Augustine golf course community!

From Jim Davidson’s Kitchen: Snapper Fromage

July 15, 2010


IMG_5326Last month, Jim Davidson, Master Developer of our favorite Jacksonville golf course community, shared his amazing meatloaf dish with us. This month, he is sharing my favorite dish he makes! It’s a bit more complicated, but totally worth it in deliciousness! Prepare to salivate:

Snapper Fromage (4-6 People)

5 Egg yolks whipped until frothy, add 2/3 jar of Kraft Mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Add 6-8 packages of fresh grated parmesan cheese until mixture is very thick, it should almost be like a thick paste.

I buy pink snapper if possible for this dish, but Red Snapper will do. You want the fish market to filet and debone the fish.

Prepare fish by cutting shoulders from belly side and trim off dark meat vein. Fish pieces should be 1/2” to 3/4” thick. You can stack belly-side pieces to achieve desired thickness. Wash fish filets and pat dry; put on cookie sheet that has been sprayed with Pam non-stick spray. Put layer of fromage sauce about 1/4” thick over each filet. You can refrigerate the fish, once prepared, for 2-3 hours prior to cooking. Put in pre-heated oven at 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes and then broil until brown. (BE CAREFUL – it is easy to burn fromage sauce). Take out of oven and let sit for 10-15 minutes prior to serving. I serve with pasta (linguine) and clam sauce.

 *Note: The fromage sauce may also be used on chicken breast.


Congrats to our Top Agents in June & the 2nd Quarter!

July 7, 2010


This month we are full of congratulations, celebrating our Top Agents for June, our Top Agents for the 2nd Quarter, AND our 2 staff members that deserve more than a little recognition! Before we get into all that though, we need to give a BIG congrats to all of our Jacksonville realtors for making 26 transactions with over $5 million in sales for June and almost $5 million in closings! For the 2nd Quarter, WE HAD 85 TRANSACTIONS with over $17 million in sales and almost $13 million in closings! Now, that is OUR agents standing out from the crowd!

Ana SpezialeOur Top Lister for June is Ana Speziale with close to $500,000 in listings sold! She almost hit $900,000 in volume including her sales for the month. Hurricane Ana is taking over!dottie

Our Top Producer and Top Sales Agent in June is Dottie Lay with over $700,000 in closings and over $900,000 in sales. Dottie was our Top Sales Agent in May and is ALSO our Top Sales Agent for the 2nd Quarter with over $2.6 million in sales and listings sold. Congratulations on a GREAT quarter, Dottie!

suzyFor our 2nd Quarter, our Top Producer and Top Lister is Suzy Evans! Suzy had over $2 million in closings, over $1 million in listings sold, and when you add her sales she reached over $1.4 million! Suzy isn’t giving up that crown any time soon – she was our Top Lister for our 4th Quarter last year AND our 1st Quarter this year!DSC_0281

We want to give Michelle Gonzalez a special nod for being our Agent of the Quarter with 10 transactions totaling over $1.2 million and 6 closings of over $600,000.

Property Mgt TeamAnd, last but not least, our staff members of the quarter are John & Elsie Evans of Davidson Property Management, Inc. They are Property Managers extraordinaire! They have the smoothest running, fastest growing property management company around and we LOVE having them as a part of our family.

Jim Davidson Shares His Food Secrets

June 10, 2010


MeatloafJim Davidson is not only the Master Developer of World Golf Village he is also a spectacular chef! Once a month he spoils us at our Friday Cookout, so we wanted to spoil you by giving away some of his secrets. Here is one of his great recipes to try at home:

Jim’s World Famous Meatloaf

 2-1/2 lbs Ground Meat (Beef or Venison) If beef, use lowfat
1-1/2 lbs Ground Pork
1 Fine Chopped Large Onion
1 15oz. can Hunts Tomato Sauce
1 14oz. can Diced Tomato (Drain Juice)
2 Large or XL Eggs beaten
Dust meat with Goya Adobo All Purpose Seasoning
Dust  meat with Black Pepper
Light Dust meat with Salt
10-20 drops Louisiana Hot Sauce
20+ drops A1 Sauce
½ cup Progresso Bread Crumbs – Plain
Ketchup swirl on top of each Meatloaf
Makes 2 – 10” x 6” x 2” Meatloafs – When you put each loaf in pan make sure that meat doesn’t touch any sides of pan.
Put in Aluminum Pans – 12” x 10-1/2”
Preheat oven 350°, cook uncovered on top shelf for approximately 2 hours or until 160° – 180°. May take a little less time.
Remember: This is a “Hands On” recipe. I wouldn’t recommend using your feet “like with grapes” but you MUST make sure every ingredient is thoroughly mixed.


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