Three Davidson agents honored among the best by Jacksonville Business Journal

January 13, 2017


We would like to congratulate agents Mirtha Barzaga, Suzy Evans and Amy Anderson on being named among the Top Residential Real Estate Agents by Jacksonville Business Journal! The agents were among the 50 Realtors included in the esteemed annual list.

Agents are ranked based on value of homes and lots sold between September 2015 and September 2016.

“Not only do Mirtha, Suzy and Amy all excel in sales and customer service, they are also three of our most charitable agents and dedicated mentors,” said Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson. “They routinely go above the call of duty to their customers, fellow agents, the company and the community.” Read more

Davidson Realty welcomes Kelly Mickey to agent team

December 28, 2016


Join us in welcoming Kelly Mickey as our newest agent! Kelly brings to her role experience in health insurance and real estate.

“Kelly has a strong background helping customers, and as a local native, she has great knowledge of the First Coast market. We are glad to welcome her aboard,” said Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson.

Kelly was born in New Jersey and raised in Northeast Florida. After attending the University of North Florida, she worked in health insurance for 16 years. Her prior experience also includes property management and real estate sales. Read more

Long-time agent Jeanne Denton-Scheck joins Davidson Realty

December 20, 2016


It is our pleasure to welcome Jeanne Denton-Scheck to our team of more than 60 agents! Jeanne brings to her role nearly 20 years of experience in real estate sales.

“Jeanne is a true professional who strives to provide her customers with the best experience possible. We are glad she joined our team,” said Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson.

Originating from Goodland, Kansas, Jeanne studied education at Ft. Hayes State University. She was a teacher for 10 years and later worked in customer service and outside sales in the telecommunications field before pursuing real estate. Read more

Davidson Realty MVP Spotlight: Margherite Myers

December 14, 2016

Posted by in Agent Feature

Davidson Realty sponsors an annual baseball-themed contest in which the firm’s Realtors split into “teams” and compete to be champions in production and sales. This year’s championship team is the Red Sox. Each month we profile a top producer from that team.

Team Member: Margherite Myers

Hometown: Yonkers, New York

Years in Real Estate: 1998 to 2008 in South Carolina and 2009 to present in Florida Read more

Davidson Realty MVP Spotlight: Tayler Quick

November 21, 2016

Posted by in Agent Feature

Davidson Realty sponsors an annual baseball-themed contest in which the firm’s Realtors split into “teams” and compete to be champions in production and sales. This year’s championship team is the Red Sox. Each month we profile a top producer from that team.

Team Member: Tayler Quick

Hometown: Pone Vedra Beach, Florida

Specialties: Tayler loves helping all buyers and sellers! Read more

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