Yasmin Molina Joins Davidson’s Growing Team

October 28, 2014


We are excited to welcome Realtor Yasmin Molina to our expanding real estate sales team! Yasmin comes to us with a background in event planning and a dedication to client satisfaction. Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Yasmin has a strong commitment to communication and customer service that makes her a great asset for clients. We are happy to welcome another valuable Spanish-speaking agent to our team.” Read more

Sharminee Lopez Joins the Davidson Team

October 16, 2014


Another great agent joins the Davidson ranks! We recently welcomed Sharminee Lopez to our growing real estate team. Sharminee has been in real estate for ten years and is also experienced in property management.

Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Sharminee has a natural talent for customer service that makes her a great guide and support through the real estate process. Davidson is pleased to welcome her.”

Sharminee launched her real estate career in West Palm Beach in 2004 and later worked in property management. After relocating to the Jacksonville area in 2009, Sharminee actively worked to become acclimated to the Northeast Florida area before returning to real estate. She is excited to be back doing what she loves: providing top notch real estate services to her clients. Read more

Gail George Becomes Davidson’s Newest Realtor

September 25, 2014


We recently welcomed Gail George to our real estate team! Gail has several years of experience in real estate sales and has earned the Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI) designation. Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Gail has a love of Northeast Florida that she shares with the rest of us at Davidson. She is a great addition to the team and will be a helpful guide for her clients.”

Though she was born and raised in Canada, Gail is a long-time Florida resident. She began her career in elementary education and, continuing her passion for helping people, moved into real estate several years ago. Gail recently earned her GRI designation, which is awarded to Realtors who have gained in-depth real estate knowledge. Read more

Welcome Amanda Houser to the Davidson Realty Team!

September 17, 2014


We’re pleased to announce that Jacksonville Realtor Amanda Houser recently joined our roster of agents! Amanda brings to Davidson a varied career in customer service, hospitality and real estate sales. Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Amanda’s strong service-based background and dedication to customer satisfaction make her a great addition to our real estate team. We are happy to welcome her to Davidson.”

Crediting an upbringing entrenched in Southern hospitality, Amanda earned her degree in hotel, restaurant and tourism management from the University of New Orleans. She pursued a career in the hotel industry where she received the industry’s best customer service training under Marriott International. Read more

Colleen Roark Brings a Great Eye for Detail to Davidson

July 31, 2014


We are thrilled to announce that Colleen Roark has joined our stellar team of Realtors! Colleen brings to Davidson years of business experience as well as a passion for all aspects of real estate. Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson said, “Colleen has a great eye for detail as well as a dedication to helping people. We are thrilled to have her on our team.”

Colleen, a Florida native, spent 25 years in corporate positions while buying, selling, remodeling and decorating homes in her free time. She recently decided to utilize her eye for detail and professional experience to pursue a full-time career in real estate. Colleen is eager to serve as a helpful guide for clients as they navigate the real estate process. Read more

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