Welcome to New Davidson Realty Agent Amanda French

September 29, 2011


amandaWe love welcoming new real estate professionals to our team.  Especially ones who share our customer-focus and commitment to giving back to the community.  That’s why we’re happy to announce Amanda French is now a Davidson Realty agent. French brings several years experience in sales, customer service and community outreach to her new role in real estate.

French was originally drawn to Davidson Realty for our commitment to being a good corporate citizen. Amanda has been involved in many service programs and volunteer initiatives, from AmeriCorps and missions abroad to vacation Bible school programs and working with disadvantaged youth.  Amanda French’s sales experience and merchandizing background, as well as her volunteer work, helped her realize her passion was for helping others.  As a real estate agent, she looks forward to combining her strengths and passions to help people find their ideal home.  French hails from Daniels, West Virginia. She enjoys running, cooking and hanging out with her husband and puppy.

Cake For All!

September 9, 2011


Pauline and WoodyWe would not be surprised if you have heard of Pauline Cake, one of our renowned St. Augustine realtors.  When Pauline moved here from Arizona in 1996, she read in the paper everyday about World Golf Village. When she was driving around with a friend in the area, she said “This place looks like Disney World! That is where I’m going to work!”  She began her love for World Golf Village in 1997 in Sales and Catering for the Renaissance Hotel, shortly after she was promoted to Executive Admin in Human Resources.

Pauline got her Florida Real Estate License. She knocked on a trailer door at the World Golf Village sales office. Pauline has been a Davidson agent since 2002. She’s also been a resident in our St. Augustine golf course community living in Bearsford, Royal Pines and Waterbury. When Pauline and Woody (also a Davidson Realty agent) began living in the King & Bear, there wasn’t a Publix here yet. She giggled as she told me that the only place to buy wine was the Shell station. By the way, they still have good wine! Read more

Happy Memorial Day from the Davidson Companies!

May 27, 2011


Memorial Day is all about remembering, celebrating, and honoring those who have served or are still serving in our military. We wanted to thank the families of those serving for their sacrifices and remember those we have lost.

This video features four people from our companies that have served our country:
Ron Savarese – Army
Jim Davidson – Marine Corps
Bob Lay – Army
Jurgen May – Marine Corps

We hope everyone has a safe holiday and remember to thank all those who have served our country to protect our freedom!

Welcome to Our Four New Agents

May 10, 2011


We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve added four new Agents to our growing team of real estate pros.  A warm Davidson Realty WELCOME to Anna Decker, Kodi Merrell, Amber Overstreet and Maxine Levy!

Anna Decker_DSC_1820When Anna Decker‘s son enrolled in college recently, she took the opportunity to embark on a new career in real estate.  Anna brings top-notch customer service experience with her, gleaned from many years as a travel professional and a small business owner.  Community-minded Decker helps with fundraising and events for St. Augustine’s St. Francis House.  She enjoys sailing, skydiving (we love her adventurous spirit!) and gourmet cooking.Kodi Merrell

We suspect that our World Golf Village location attracted Kodi Merrell to our team, but that’s fine with us.  Florida-native Kodi Merrell is an accomplished golfer who competed on the Flagler College Men’s Golf Team.  He joined Davidson Realty after graduating from Flagler and we love that he brings the dedication and focus he learned on the golf course to his work as an Agent.  Kodi does volunteer work with The First Tee of St. John’s County.

Amber OverstreetAmber Overstreet came to Jacksonville from Roanoke, Virginia where she was born and raised and we love that she reminds us all the time how lucky we are to live here.  Amber has embraced the Florida lifestyle, even taking up surfing.  Amber is a graduate of James Madison University.  She came to Davidson Realty from Merrill Lynch where she obtained her Series 7 license. She’s devoted to Max, her German Shephard/Lab rescue dog, and also enjoys drawing and playing sports.maxine

Maxine Levy is an experienced pro who provides her real estate clients with sharp financial advice.  Prior to embarking on a real estate career with Davidson Realty, Maxine spent 27 years in the financial industry in Jamaica. She managed the Retail Lending Unit for a major banking institution where she drove strong results year-after-year ensuring the branch was always in the top 10 performers out of 41 branches. Maxine dove right into the Davidson family, participating full-heartedly in charitable events and company outings!

We’re looking to add more self-starters to our Davidson Realty team.  Give us a call (904.940.5000), send us an email (pdavidson@davidsonrealtyinc.com) or stop by our office to learn more about a career in real estate.


April 20, 2011


Ashley WoodThe Davidson Companies are blessed with a diversity of professional talent and engaging personalities, none more so than Ms. Ashley Wood. At a power-packed, diminutive 5’1”, Ms. Wood has achieved a level of athletic prowess, well beyond her easy-going, outward countenance. Ashley takes on all challenges, whether to exceed the needs and expectations of her discerning clients or to reign over all of her taekwondo competitors. Yes, you heard right – Ms. Wood is an accomplished taekwondo martial-arts specialist – having just achieved her Red Belt/Black Stripe status.

ashleyRemarkably, Ashley only began the sport just two and a half short-years ago, based on a few, brief training sessions as a young teenager.  She rapidly achieved various levels of success, launching her to the threshold of the ultimate achievement – the next step, her Black Belt. Ashley knows the value of pairing with a life-mentor and she attributes her rise in the sport to one, very special coach – Ms. Shari Torregrosa, a 3rd Degree Black Belt National Champion who will attain her Master’s Black Belt this year. Through a teaching-learning partnership with Ms. Torregrosa at the North Florida Martial Arts “dojang”, Ashley sped through the rankings, earning her White Belt, Yellow Belt, Orange Belt, Orange Belt/Green Stripe, Green Belt, Green Belt/Blue Stripe, Blue Belt, Blue Belt/Red Stripe, Red Belt and now her Red Belt/Black Stripe. Along the way, her quest has resulted in many local, regional, state and national trophies, including the prestigious Amateur Athletic Union of the USA, Inc., (AAU) Sparring and Forms Gold Medals in 2009 and 2010. This year, Ms. Wood is ranked to compete in the 2011 AAU Florida State Championship in Orlando on April 30th and the 2011 AAU National Championship in Austin, Texas, June 27th thru July 2nd. Without a doubt, Ashley Wood has tapped her passion to compete and to excel, enabling her to become a recognized force in the sport. Read more

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