Ana Speziale Shares 10 Interesting Tidbits!

December 30, 2010


Ana PicIt is time again to meet a member of the Davidson Realty team! This month we are introducing you to Ana Speziale – one of our Realtors. Ana was a high school art teacher for 20 years before starting her second career in real estate. (And you know Davidson Realty appreciates teachers!) Her husband Craig is still in education as the principal at Ponte Vedra High School. (In photo with Ana.) We have asked Ana a variety of random questions so you can get to know her a bit better. Meet Ana!

1. When & where were you happiest?

With my family on the beach, preferably in Hawaii.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I can be inflexible at times.

3. What is the the trait you most deplore in others?

Not returning emails or phone calls in a timely fashion.

4. What is the quality you most like in a man?


5. What is the quality you like most in a woman?

Independence. Read more

One of the Greatest – Meet Ms. Jennifer Todd

October 22, 2010


jenniferJennifer Todd is a woman that lights up a room! Her personality cannot be matched and here at Davidson, we can’t get enough! If you haven’t had the pleasure to meet Jennifer, let me give you a little background information…

Jennifer is known for her ability to sell new home construction. She has worked for Brylen Homes, Arthur Rutenburg, Bourre Construction Group, and Woodside Homes. She began working at Davidson Realty in 2008 and we couldn’t be happier to have her.

When I think about Jennifer, I think about fun. I thought a great way to highlight her and let the people who know and love her here at Davidson get creative in describing her was to give them a mad lib to fill out about her characteristics. Here is what I got back:

No one is more southern than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s  charming and confident. No one does builder sales like Jennifer.

No one is more knowledgeable on custom homes than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s tenacious and savvy. No one does research on market values or ownership status like Jennifer.

No one is more confident than Jennifer Todd. If I had to describe her in two words, I’d say she’s knowledgeable and connected. No one does builder sales like Jennifer. Read more

Mirtha Barzaga: Our Informative, Relentless, Driven Pistol!

September 21, 2010


Mirtha BarzagaHere we are again! Time to celebrate another one of our fabulous St. Augustine realtors. This month we are spotlighting Mirtha Barzaga and if you’ve ever read one of our Top Agents Blogs you probably know a thing or two about her success. What you might not know is how highly her coworkers speak of her, which is what I found out when I asked them to use one word to describe Mirtha.

“Informative”, “Relentless”, “Driven”, “A Pistol”, “Helpful”, “Fantastic”, “Giver”, “Focused”, “Selfless”, “Original”, “Dances-to-the-beat-of-her-own-Drummer”. These are only a few of the many responses I got back. And because real estate agents are not known to follow the rules, I even accepted some lengthier descriptions:

“Always available and accessible! One of the hardest workers in our business”

“Mirtha is one of the most dedicated and hardworking agents I know. She is someone who works 7 days a week, takes care of her husband and three young grandchildren and even brings in dessert for our monthly cookouts! I am astounded as to how she does it all and keeps those balls in the air. She always has time for you and she does it with a smile.”

“Mirtha is very friendly. She always has hellos and hugs for everyone. She is never too busy to answer a question.”

The real truth of it is Mirtha Barzaga is one in a million. She was born in Cuba and came to the U.S. when she was only eight years old. She lived in New Jersey, ran a construction company, then switched gears and ran an event company. When she moved to south Florida to be closer to her children she worked in sales and marketing for one of the largest importers of fresh cut flowers. Her move to be closer to her grandchildren in St. Augustine is what led her into her real estate career. So, as you can see she has done it all!

Mirtha is so special to us here at Davidson and we love her dearly. Thank you, Mirtha for being a part of our team!

The One and Only Dottie Lay

August 31, 2010


dottieEach month we love to feature one of our talented Jacksonville realtors and for August we’d like to introduce you to Dottie Lay! Dottie is a very special lady to me and to everyone in the office, so I thought what better way to highlight her than to ask her co-workers what makes Dottie so great and here is what they said:

“Dottie is a team player!  She’s always available to share her experience and to lend solid advice to other agents. She has cultivated a long list of referral business from her dedication to her buyers and sellers.  A true professional. I aspire to be Dottie one day!”

“As a new agent with Davidson she was always ready to answer my question in spite of the amount of business she was doing.  She made herself available & I thank her for that as well as the kind words and support she is known for.  Truly successful people share their talents…that is Dottie.”

“Dottie is very professional. She is competent and people trust her. She works very hard for her customers.”

“When I was a new agent, Dottie ALWAYS found time to pick up her phone if I called for advice.  She is a true role model in our company.  She is very hard working and dedicated and never has a negative word to say about anyone.  A true professional and a dear person.” 

“Dottie is a real pro!!!  She is organized, precise and has complete knowledge of the business.  She builds great relationships with her customers and has an incredible referral base.  She’s tops when it comes to being a superior Realtor.” Read more

10 Things You Don’t Know About Ashley Wood

May 27, 2010


Ashley_Wood_BC_2_May 2010[1].pdf - Adobe ReaderDavidson Realty is very proud of the St. Augustine and Jacksonville Realtors we have on our team. And we want you to get to know all of them, so from time to time we will post a blog about one of us! Today we are going to introduce you to Ashley Wood. Although she loves listing and selling houses in St. Augustine, she has many other interest too. Here are 1o things you may not have known about Ashley…until now!

1. Ashley started playing the trumpet in the 7th grade. 

2. She currently plays in the St. Augustine Community Orchestra. (Did you even know we had an orchestra? Better yet, they are good!)

3. Ashley is a red belt in Tae Kwan Do and expects to get a black belt by December 2011.

4. She recently won a gold and bronze at the state Tae Kwan Do competition.

5. And she is determined to win two golds when competing in the Tae Kwan Do nationals at the end of June.

6. The premature birth of her daughter made her decide to be a stay at home mom…she realized no one could take care of her children the way she could!

7. Ashley got her real estate license in 2005. 

8. She decided to work at Davidson Realty at World Golf Village because she loves the family atmosphere we have here.

9. Ashley believes her best business attribute is giving great customer service and maintaining the relationships long after the sale.

10. Ashley is unique and she loves it! When Davidson Realty took a personality test, she was the only one in the “Explorer” category!

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