Jacksonville Business Journal Names Davidson Realty the Best Place to Work

June 14, 2011

Posted by in Awards, News

IMG_5272It’s great to work at Davidson Realty. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out the Jacksonville Business Journal’s latest Best Places to Work report and you’ll find Davidson Realty at the top of the list.  That’s right. We’ve been named the Best Place to Work, Small Business category.  In fact, we’ve made the list for the last seven years and topped it twice. Says Davidson Realty President Sherry Davidson, “We put a lot of stock in this recognition which is awarded based on direct feedback from employees.  We value our team at Davidson Realty. They have helped us not just survive a tough real estate market, but thrive and expand the business. Without question, our people are our greatest asset.”IMG_5326

So just what makes Davidson Realty such a great place to work?  “There is a strong sense of camaraderie here because the company creates opportunities for us to connect socially like a Friday cook-out or an IMAX outing or a cruise down the St. Johns River,” said Dottie Lay.  “Davidson offers great support for its Agents, from marketing to professional development,” said Ana Speziale. “Giving back to the community is not just lip service.  We have monthly blood drives, free community educational events and we participate in a variety of fundraisers, from Relay for Life to March of Dimes,” said Sharon King. “Surprise visits from the ‘Wine Fairy’ on Friday afternoons,” said Vanessa Cunningham.

28571_10150222013935385_243700390384_12872063_1705805_nThe Jacksonville Business Journal conducts the Best Places to Work survey annually. The rankings for this list are done by Quantum Workplace, a third-party company that specializes in measuring workplace satisfaction. Nominations were submitted to The Business Journal by more than 100 companies, with most nominations coming from company employees. Results were announced in the Business Journal’s May 20th issue.  For more information about the Jacksonville Business Journal’s Best Places to Work, visit http://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/blog/inside_the_lists/2011/05/jacksonvilles-best-places-to-work.html.

In the last three years, Davidson has doubled its number of Realtors and expanded its real estate territories to include Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra and Flagler County, in addition to St. Johns County.  The company actively recruits both experienced agents and those interested in a new career in real estate.  If you’re interested in learning more about working at Davidson Realty, contact Peyton Davidson at (904) 940-5000 or pdavidson@davidsonrealtyinc.com.

The Davidson Companies Celebrated a Winning Year in Vegas Style

January 19, 2011


163425_10150400201460385_243700390384_16812505_694884_nFriday night was one of the best awards banquets we have ever had and that’s a bold statement when we have celebrated our past year’s successes in ballrooms at Epping Forest, beautiful buildings like Laterra Links, and probably the best Italian Restaurant in Jacksonville, Giovanni’s. This year we went casual and comfortable just like our work-family’s atmosphere. We celebrated at the St. Augustine Rod & Gun Club with a Vegas themed party and had the time of our lives!167100_10150400202275385_243700390384_16812524_1364446_n

We had a DJ, a Margarita Man machine, 5 casino games, slots, Luli’s Cupcakes, a champagne fountain, coolers of beer and wine, and Moes’ catering. That may sound like a hodgepodge of things and it was, but somehow it was perfect!

179332_10150400218600385_243700390384_16812862_2785293_nEven with all that fun surrounding us, we still had time to celebrate and congratulate the Davidson Companies. Davidson Property Management gave awards to Mirtha Barzaga, Margherite Myers, and for the most tenants – Juana Husted. 164157_10150400220105385_243700390384_16812900_4547253_n

Jennifer Todd, Jock Ochiltree, Michelle Gonzalez, Ana Speziale, Pauline & Woody Cake, Ted Tyndall, Mirtha Barzaga, Suzy Evans, and Dottie Lay all received recognition for $2 million or over in closings and/or sales.

DSC00056Suzy Evans was honored with Top Lister with over $3.8 million in listings sold. Dottie walked away with 2 awards – Top Sales with over $6.4 million and Top Closer with over $5.3 million in closings. As you know from the monthly tops blogs, these women worked so hard in 2010 and deserve all their success!

Mirtha was given the President’s Award this year. Davidson Realty’s President’s Award is given to someone that not only produces for the company, but who participates and exemplifies what our company is about. Mirtha had an amazing year with over $4 million in closings and $6 million in sales. Read more

Congratulations to Our FIVE STAR Agents in 2010!

November 24, 2010


We are so proud to announce that four of our St. Augustine Realtors have been named FIVE STAR Real Estate Agents by Florida Homebuyer Jacksonville magazine for 2010! Over 19,000 recent homebuyers in Jacksonville and 250 mortgage and title companies were surveyed and asked to evaluate real estate agents based on nine criteria: customer service, market knowledge, closing preparation, communication, integrity, marketing of the home, finding the right home, negotiation, and overall satisfaction. And, with this very rigorous research process, our agents came out on top! We couldn’t be happier for Pauline Cake, Juana Husted, Dottie Lay, and Michelle Gonzalez!

pcThis is Pauline’s 5th time being honored as a FIVE STAR Agent! Her customer service cannot be beat, which everyone who has worked with her knows. She has been helping people find their perfect home with Davidson Realty since 2001.Juana Husted

Juana has been named a FIVE STAR Agent three times now!  Due to her technical background, she is very good with details and always goes the extra mile for her customers.

dottieDottie is a four time FIVE STAR Agent now!  Dottie was born and raised in Jacksonville Beach, so she is very familiar with all of Jacksonville FL real estate and is happy to help you find your dream home!michelle g

This is the first of many times Michelle will be named a FIVE STAR Agent! Michelle has had a great year and we know we will see even more from her in 2011!

Less than 7% of actively licensed agents in the Jacksonville area made the FIVE STAR Agent list, so we are very proud to have four of them be part of The Davidson Team. All four of these women are Certified Distressed Property Experts, which means they are extremely knowledgeable in Short Sales and Foreclosure prevention. Please contact them or any of our great Realtors if you have real estate related questions or need help buying or selling your home.

5 Things to Know About Davidson Realty

June 30, 2010

Posted by in Awards, News

DSC_0137Pardon our cheering but sometimes you just have to grab the bullhorn and get the word out!  Check out these 5 things to know about our Jacksonville FL real estate company and you’ll understand our enthusiasm.  Don’t get us wrong, things could definitely be better for the real estate market, but we are proud of the following:

1. In the past 12 months, our Agent staff has doubled.
2. We continue to be the biggest lister in World Golf Village, and now we’re the top lister in Palencia too. 
3. Our reach has expanded beyond St. Johns County and St. Augustine to include Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra and even Flagler County.
4. According to the Jacksonville Business Journal, Davidson Realty is now among the top 10 real estate agencies in the area.
5. Most of our Agents now hold CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) designations, so they can shrewdly advise clients on the ins and outs of today’s market, including short sales and foreclosures.

The Davidson Companies Celebrate 2009

January 21, 2010

Posted by in Awards

DSCN0349I just posted a blog recognizing all of our agents’ accomplishments in 2009, but we have to talk about our staff and how great our awards banquet was this year!

We put together a silent auction for the event and almost every agent and staff person donated something – we got a variety of services and gifts. The most popular items weren’t the IPOD or Flip Mino Video camera; they were dinner at Pauline and Woody Cake’s house, a day of skeet shooting with Jim and Sherry Davidson, and a Cuban dinner for 4 at Ed and Candy Gil’s.  It just shows how much we really are a family at Davidson, where we actually want to spend time together outside of work!

Every item given was claimed and it was really cool that people donated things that meant so much to them, like Shirley Barber, Master Gardener, donating a beautiful Agave Parryi plant or Juana Husted giving an amazing framed photograph she took in Australia. What a great night!

I mentioned before that Davidson Realty’s goal is to “Value People First…Before, Over and Above Everything Else”, which is why Rick Pariani took home the award for “Most Exemplifies our Core Values”. LizAnne Rung always “Values People First” and Cindy Vaughn and Mattie Zebendon go “Above and Beyond” for The Davidson Companies. Read more

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