Davidson Cares Clay Day is only a few weeks away, and the excitement to raise money to support efforts to enrich First Coast children and families is mounting. The 6th Annual Clay Day will be held on October 21, 2021, at the Jacksonville Clay Target Sports. “Davidson Cares looks forward to Clay Day all year! It’s inspiring to see so many support the youth-based organizations that are near and dear to our heart,” shares Davidson Realty President, Sherry Davidson. To date, Davidson Cares has raised more than $267,000 for worthy causes in the area and looks forward to accomplishing their goal of raising more than $60,000 at Clay Day 2021. The funds raised at Clay Day will be evenly distributed between three local organizations that are focused on strengthening youth and families in Northeast Florida: St. Augustine Youth Services, Investing in Kids!, and Builders Care.
St. Augustine Youth Services
St. Augustine Youth Services (SAYS) is a non-profit organization that has been serving children in its residential programs for boys since 1989. Over the past thirty years, SAYS has provided treatment to thousands of children who have suffered abuse or neglect in St. Johns, Flagler, Volusia, and Putnam Counties. “Our relationship with SAYS started when my daughter visited the campus and met a six-year-old boy who told her how safe he felt at the group home. We then learned that this boy would age out of the program at eighteen and, although they may still be in high school, are not prepared to live independently,” shares Davidson. “The funds raised by Davidson Cares will go towards an independent living facility where these young men can stay, with some supervision, while they finish school and find a job.”
Investing in Kids!
Investing in Kids! (INK!) helps fund efforts that directly benefit both educators and students in the St. Johns County School District. Established in 1994, INK! is devoted to fostering success for students and teachers through funding, initiatives, and inspiration. “Davidson Cares has always supported local schools, but after seeing the impact of the Five Learning Years (FLY) and Take Stock in Children programs, I joined the INK! Board of Directors,” shares Davidson. FLY provides tutors to work with Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students that are in need of literacy intervention. Take Stock in Children is a statewide program that gives low-income, at-risk students the opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty by offering students college scholarships and mentoring. “The graduation rate for students in the Take Stock in Children program is nearly 100% and the students are thriving in college. So many lives have been changed by these two programs,” continues Davidson.
Builders Care
Builders Care is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality, affordable to no-cost construction services to those in need of critical home repairs. “When I was asked to join the Builders Care Board of Directors, which is the charitable arm of the Northeast Florida Builders Association, I was amazed at what this organization has accomplished for Jacksonville’s most needy families,” shares Davidson. Since 2001, Builders Care has served more than six hundred families to total more than $6.5 million worth of construction work for those who otherwise couldn’t afford it. For many, Builders Care is the last hope to maintain quality of life in their home. “Builders donate material, time, and money to ensure people can remain in their homes with dignity. Davidson Cares is proud to support this incredible organization,” continues Davidson.
It is evident that these three organizations make an incredible impact in the First Coast community. Davidson Cares is proud to support their efforts and encourage the entire Northeast Florida community to join in their efforts whether it’s attending the 2021 Clay Day, buying a raffle ticket, or making a donation online, every dollar makes a difference.
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