Looks Like The “Oracle from Omaha” Was Right, Again

December 11, 2012


In February this year during an interview on CNBC, Warren Buffet said if he could find a way to manage them, he’d buy up “a couple thousand single family homes”.  Buffet explained single-family homes are a very attractive investment now and, if held for a long period of time and purchased at the low interest rates currently available, houses are even better than stocks.

First, a personal message to Mr. Buffet:  Shelby Heinemann and our Davidson Property Management team would be happy to help you manage those couple thousand single-family homes! Read more

October’s Real Estate Trends Show More Pending Sales, More Closings, Less Available Inventory and Higher Prices!

November 21, 2012


“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”  –Cynthia Ozick

I would like to express my gratitude for your friendship. My business would not be possible without your support and referrals. I am truly grateful!

I am also grateful that the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors Market Stats continue to indicate our housing market in the Jacksonville MSA is improving. The pending sales of 1,940 in October 2012 are 45% higher than the 1,338 contracts written in October 2011. We have 16% more pending sales year to date in 2012 compared to the same period last year. Read more

Northeast Florida Real Estate Trends in September – Strong Pending Sales and Declining Inventory Available!

October 29, 2012


People become successful the minute they decide to.” -Harvey Mackay

The Northeast Florida Association of Realtors market trends for September continues to show strong pending sales and declining inventory available. The 1,870 pending sales for September are 40% higher than September 2011 when there were 1,337 pending sales. Year to date pending sales are 16% higher than the same period last year.  Pending sales have increased the most in the $200,000-$299,999 price range at 20.9% followed closely by the $300,000 to $499,999 price range with a 20.4% increase. Read more

Mattamy Homes Build Distinction in RiverTown

October 26, 2012


Last month we toured the beautiful RiverTown community in Northwest St. Johns County and this month we are catching up with Jason Beard, a site agent for Mattamy Homes (one of the three builders in the community) to learn a little more about Mattamy Homes’ presence in RiverTown. Mattamy Homes is offering distinctive high quality, energy efficient homes that complement the warm and inviting RiverTown aesthetic. Read more

More Great News for Northeast Florida Real Estate in August’s Market Trends!

September 25, 2012


Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

I am very happy with my starting point in the housing market right now. All of the trends in the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors Market Stats for August continue to be very positive.

The most encouraging trend is Pending Sales. There were 2,011 contracts written (pending sales) in August which is a 34% increase over the 1,497 contracts in August 2011. Year to date through August we have 13,724 pending sales which is 16% more than the 11,879 pending sales last year at this time.  We continue to see strong buyer activity and multiple offers on many listings. Read more

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