Trends Show Improvement in the Real Estate Market for April 2012

May 29, 2012


“I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it.” Gale Sayers

It has been a very long 5 years for all of us but we can all get inspiration from Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers. I believe our perseverance is paying off as we experience continued good signs for our real estate market.

I recently attended a speech given by Dr. John Tuccillo. He was the Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors for many years and is now in the same position with the Florida Realtors.  Dr. Tuccillo’s opinion is that when we see the following three trends in unison we can rely on improvement in the real estate market:

1. A decline in the number of new listings
2. A decline in the time a listing stays on the market
3. An increase in the ratio of selling price to listing price Read more

Dreaming About a Bigger Home? Now is Your Time!

May 23, 2012

Posted by in News

If you’ve been waiting to upsize your home, it’s a good time to jump into the market. In fact, it seems like many buyers realize the prime opportunity for going bigger is now. Once again, the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors posted some positive market stats for March, including a 17% increase in pending sales for March 2012 over 2011. In our World Golf Village office, pending sales have been up 40% for the first quarter of 2012 over first quarter 2011. The price range with the largest increase in pending sales? Homes priced $1million and above have seen an 18% in pending sales. Read more

March Real Estate Trends – Inventory is Down and Sales are up!

April 30, 2012


“It was high counsel that I once heard given to a young person. “Always do what you are afraid to do.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

That will be my advice to my youngest son, Sam, who graduated from UNF on Friday with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am so blessed with a great family!

I found some interesting information in the Northeast Florida Association of Realtors Market Stats for March. We have a very positive trend in pending sales. There were 2,018 contracts written in March 2012 compared to 1,719 in March 2011 for a 17% increase. The first quarter of 2012 is up 18% over the first quarter of 2011. In my office, the first quarter pending sales are up 40% over first quarter last year.

Now for the interesting part, there were 1,419 closings in March 2012 compared to 1,529 closings in March 2011 for a 7% decrease. The first quarter closings are down 3% compared to first quarter last year. Pending sales have risen so dramatically in the last 3 months, the closings should be increasing soon. It was also interesting to note that the price range with the largest increase in pending sales is $1,000,000 and above with an 18% increase. Read more

Is It Time To Sell?

April 19, 2012


article-1252055-085CB854000005DC-65_468x418As of early April, there was about 6 months supply of homes for sale.  That’s 30% less than supply at the same time last year and very close to market stabilization.  For the first time in a long time, we’re seeing a very real lack of inventory in desirable neighborhoods. Sales are up this year as well, and we’re heading into the busiest season for home sales: May through July.  So is it time to put your home on the market?  It depends.

Some of the questions to consider:
• Have you put your plans to upsize, downsize, or relocate on hold during the market slump? Read more

The Olympics Take Over World Golf Village – Relay for Life 2012!

April 16, 2012


jockAnother successful year raising money for the cure! World Golf Village neighbors, businesses, friends and family came out on Saturday to celebrate, remember, and fight back against cancer. We had beautiful sunny weather with cool breezes to keep us going around the track over and over again. Davidson agents and staff signed up to walk at all hours from 3 pm to 9 am. The Davidson Companies raised even more money than last year, totaling over $4,000 (including sponsorship money)! Jock Ochiltree, Davidson Agent and cancer survivor, was our highest fundraiser, raising over $1,200 himself!

Jock Ochiltree and Roberta Hicks, our two cancer survivors, proudly took the first lap with all the other survivors to kick off the relay. For me, this is the most powerful part of relay. It really put everything into perspective and shows why you relay in the first place – we WILL find a cure!

People had a blast walking the track, while the DJ kept the music coming. There was a huge bouncy house for the kids and all the tents were stocked with fun for everyone. Teams were selling raffle tickets for amazing gift packages, cake pops, glow sticks, glow-in-the-dark glasses, food, necklaces, and more! Read more

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