The Benefits of a Pre-Inspection

June 24, 2024

Posted by in News

Sellers may read pre-inspection and think, “Oh goodness, what’s that, another step in the selling process?” A pre-listing inspection is a home inspection that the seller has done before listing their home. Why would sellers want to do this? It can actually provide the seller and the realtor with valuable information that they can use to streamline and improve the selling process. We spoke with Lawrence Petraglia of South Country Home Inspections to learn a little bit more.


What are the benefits of doing an inspection before you list your home? Is it worth the money?


The benefit of a pre-inspection really comes down to creating a smooth real estate transaction. It’s arming the homeowner with knowledge. Some of the things our certified inspectors look at are the condition of the roof, garage, exterior covering, windows and doors, air conditioning and the overall structure of the home. If we do identify any defects, the seller has time to resolve them. If they’re discovered during the buyer’s inspection, you’re probably about two to three weeks away from the closing date. Now you’re scrambling to find a contractor, and finding the right professionals is not something you want to rush. If we discover a leaky roof, you’re most likely going to have a tough time finding a reputable roofing company that can come complete the job in that timeframe. A pre-inspection allows the seller time to address any issues.


Are there any differences between a pre-inspection and the inspection done by a potential buyer?


Absolutely none. We’re looking for the same defects and doing everything the exact same way we would for a buyer’s inspection. The report will detail any items or issues that would be considered a safety hazard or a major defect. Some may be an easy fix, others could be quite involved.

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